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Aug 14th 2022
🧵 a thread on things wrong about the character designs of sumeru because I need to get this out of my system
I will touch on Nilou specifically because it's what I am familiar
(I love her but smt needs to be said)
#nilou #dori #sumeru #GenshinImapct #sumerutwt #genshintwt Image
MENA in general barely have any representation in media and when it is done
It's the same old stereotype
Hear middle east and you think Alladin
And Alladin itself is extremely problematic and is a perfect example of orientalism
So let me trail off to explain a little about it
Orientalism in short terms is when a non western culture is depicted as exotic, stereotypical, strange and generally backwards and was mostly used to justify western imperialism Image
Read 30 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
ok i literally have no idea how to use this i just want to share my edits soo
Starting out i have my diluc kokomi edit
(I have no clue how hashtags work but im assuming it’s less of them than instagram sooo)
#kokomi #Diluc Image
the next one i did was chongyun and childe
#chongyun #childe #tartaglia #Genshin #GenshinImpact Image
Read 106 tweets

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