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Feb 21st 2019
People throw around the word Partisan around like illiterates without knowing what it means. These are mostly people campaigning for the aberration of now with pictures of GMB everywhere accusing others of partisanship just because their deity is being held accountable. 🧐
They would rather want me to play dead on critical matters of state and say nothing. People are dying despite their promise of better security but I should be mum. Things are heading south but talking about it is being against their god & tantamount to being a fraud/PDP. #Craze
Because APC is a Protest party that has sponsored or funded a lot of activists in the past in faux protests, they always assume any one advocating for better wants power or a share of the lucre. This is where the allusion that Activists have no right to be political came from.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 27th 2018
Let the record reflect that I did not call El Beelzebub a Midget. We don’t have a choice in the matter of our creation. I don’t insult people, I literally put a mirror before their face to show them their character. I won’t do that to an illustrious member of my community. 😇
The Almighty has been so kind to our community, we started the world war having been peeved about the condescending attitude of the towering idiots globally. People closer to the gravitational pull of the earth core know quite a lot than you do you see...🧐
The generous use of the term Midget is mostly misplaced. For those who are not one, there really is no need to be angry. If you call me out on a choice I have made that I can change, it is justified. But to insult the creator, opens you to His wrath, for we’re made in His image.
Read 7 tweets

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