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Dec 20th 2020
TOMORROW Jupiter and Saturn will be at their closest separation in the sky since 1623 at 0.1° apart. Here's an animation showing exactly how close that is relative to a familiar object, the Moon! (Moon ONLY added to illustrate the scale) #GreatConjunction2020
You DO NOT want a configuration of the solar system in which the giant planets go infront of our Moon. Here's the video in 1080p:
Here's a previous video which tracks them closely. You can see moons too, although might to turn screen brightness up or use the youtube version
Read 5 tweets
Dec 19th 2020
On 21 December Jupiter and Saturn will be at their closest separation in the sky since 1623, at just 0.1° apart! In this new to-scale animation I follow the mid-point between them in the sky #GreatConjunction2020
Feel free to use this video wherever, no need to ask permission. On twitter it's 720p (and less, when it buffers). Here on youtube it's 1080p:
Here's one with a familiar scale added...
Read 4 tweets

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