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Dec 23rd 2021
Every year ’round this time @Slate’s #MusicClub is a special holiday treat & this week is the 2021 edition, hosted by the intrepid @carlzolius & joined by a cavalcade of music scribes. Below, a thread highlighting all the profound pop ponderings thus far.…
@Slate 1: Ringmaster @carlzoilus kicks off by defining the #GreatLanguishing & applies it to subdued returns from Kacey, Lorde, Billie &Adele. “The music that called on me in 2021 found a way to disperse some of these layers of existential fog.” @Slate #MusicClub…
2: @sashageffen on our hesitant return to live music & how Low’s new album, the #VelvetUnderground doc & a @100gecs show offered emotional breakthroughs. “A lot of the music I loved this year spoke to ways of untangling the ambivalence.” @Slate #MusicClub…
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