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Aug 5th 2022
My friends at @RepublicanStudy, Chaired by @Jim_Banks, have released the most comprehensive analysis of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act", publishing 50 radical policies in the atrocious Schumer/Manchin bill.

The bill taxes, spends, & regulates America...1/
...into a deeper Biden recession, higher Bidenflation, & less economic freedom.

Schumer/Manchin spends $369 billion on green/radical environmental climate policies...effectively subsidizing the CCP. 2/
Schumer/Manchin increases taxes by over $700 billion, just days after the U.S. officially entered the Biden Recession, which has been felt by the American People for many months through a 40+ year high in inflation, exceeding 9%. The bill worsens the supply chain crisis, 3/
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