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Sep 10th 2022
As #GudumbaShankar headlined by @PawanKalyan clocks 18 years today, a look at its birth, what went behind-the-scenes, casting Ashish Vidyarthi, the story behind the blockbuster soundtrack n much more…

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1)Initially, Veera Shankar worked on Tiger Sitharamudu for Pawan.

It would’ve seen the actor in the role of a guide. The story had a US backdrop.

It was even launched with Shriya Saran as the heroine.

But then Johnny’s result had a bearing on it.
2)Producer Naga Babu felt that it’s better to go with a fun film than with a big budget flick like Tiger.

That’s how Gudumba Shankar took shape.

Satyanand and Naga Babu worked on the basic story. It was, however, short on logics.
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