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Sep 8th 2022
TFW your human resources department consists of thirteen "HR Professionals" with GAN-generated faces. #HRShenaniGANs #NotQuiteExactlyHumanResources

(GAN = "generative adversarial network", the AI technology used by tools such as

cc: @ZellaQuixote collage of the profiles of 13 Twitter accounts with GAN-gene
The GAN-tastic HR professionals are part of a network of 53 accounts created between May and July 2022. All have GAN-generated face pics, and none has tweeted since August 12th. When active, they tweeted exclusively via the Twitter Web App and took at least one day a week off. table of the 53 accounts in the networkdaily tweet volume bar chart, showing that the accounts tweecollage showing the profile pics of all 53 accounts, all GAN
Many of the images used by this network have been stretched or cropped, preventing them from being flagged as GAN-generated by facial feature position. They still contain anomalies, however: disappearing glasses, mismatched earrings, and surreal clothing/jewelry/backgrounds, etc. collage of the profile pics of four of the accounts in the n
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