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Nov 4th 2021
.@Isabella_Gomez, who returns to screens today with @hbomax’s #HeadOfTheClass, spoke to Variety about her latest project, what she learned from #OneDayAtATime star @TheRitaMoreno and why #HannahMontana is her dream reboot project.
“I didn’t feel like, ‘Oh, I’m doing another reboot’” @Isabella_Gomez says of #HeadOfTheClass. “Right now, we need so much joy and so much laughter after the couple of years we’ve had as humans that I was really excited to sign on board.”
On #ODAAT, Gomez starred as a high school student. As Alicia Gomez on #HeadOfTheClass, she stands on the other side of the lectern: “I was like, ‘Really, they want me to play the teacher?’ … It was also just fun in that I have a baby face.”
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