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Jun 6th 2021
Time for a #TetZoocryptomegathread! This time we look at one of the most famous sea monster accounts: the WWI incident in which the crew of the U-boat U-28 witnessed a gigantic, crocodile-shaped monster get blasted out of the water by an explosion. Yes, you read that right…
The U-28 incident is generally considered one of the most amazing and exciting claimed sea monster observations, combining the drama and historical realism of marine warfare with a remarkable creature account that defies belief… #cryptozoology #monsters
As usual with these megathreads, please remember that I discuss both the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of these sorts of stories. If you read something that seems wrong, silly or illogical, remember that I’ll very likely be coming back to it later on in the thread. Ok…
Read 96 tweets

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