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Apr 12th 2023
๐Ÿงต1/ Just attended a ๐Ÿ”ฅ @LangChainAI webinar on AI agents, ft. some of the brightest minds in the space! Let's unpack the key takeaways & explore the cutting-edge work being done.

@LangChainAI @charles_irl @ShunyuYao12 @mbusigin @yoheinakajima @hwchase17 ๐Ÿง 2/ Shunyu introduced the core idea of his #ReAct paper, which adds a "thought" between Action & Observation. The open question is, do we need a strict pattern of Thought-Action-Observation or should we just add thoughts as a special type of action, offering more flexibility?
@LangChainAI @charles_irl @ShunyuYao12 @mbusigin @yoheinakajima @hwchase17 ๐Ÿค–3/ Yohei built babyAGI, inspired by #HustleGPT. He used GPT-4 to create an autonomous Founder Bot, even penning a "scientific paper" about it. BabyAGI focuses on completing, generating, and prioritizing tasks. #BabyAGI
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