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Mar 13th 2019
Our SLT teams will be educating staff, patients and the public about #Dysphagia today - the medical term for swallowing problems which may be caused by degenerative neurological conditions, head and neck cancers and stroke
@NHWeek @StGSpeechies @StGDietitians
People with #dysphagia can require modified texture foods and/or thickened liquids to reduce the risk of food/fluids going into the lungs. This can increase the risk of malnutrition without dietetic intervention.
Our Senior Health Dietitian’s have been eating puree meals today, to understand how people with #dysphagia feel as well as to taste test our new #IDDSI dysphagia meal range. They're also raising money for charity too!… Image
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Mar 13th 2019
We're halfway through #NHWeek2019 and today we're celebrating Swallowing Awareness Day! Here are some of the @StGSpeechies team at St George's. We also have the fab team at Queen Mary's Mary Seacole Ward who are marking #SwallowAware2019 Image
Dietitian’s and Speech and language therapists work closely to deliver safe and adequate nutrition for those with swallowing difficulties in hospital
@NHWeek @StGSpeechies #Dysphagia @StGDietitians Image
The team have arranged information stands in Grosvenor Wing reception at St George's, and the lower ground floor entrance at Queen Mary's. Do stop by and learn more about their work and the launch of our new #IDDSI patient meals. Image
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