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Dec 2nd 2022
It takes five (5) oaks to make a new oak. Why? My explanations (🧵)
A few days ago I asked the students the following question: how many oaks to make a new oak? It was during a lecture on pollination ecology. I defined an oak as any multicellular genetically unique organism made of oak cells. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
Of course, they immediately thought about the two parental trees, the maternal and paternal oaks. Oak trees have both male and female flowers, so a single oak can give rise to a new oak following self-fertilization, but this is exceedingly rare.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
since I am spending Xmas eve alone, I decided to write something about spices! What do these #spices have in common? #botany #Iamabotanist #plantmas Image
the answer is that all of these plants have some of these in their tissue. But what are these? #plantanatomy Image
these are ethereal oil cells, specialized cells that accumulate volatile substances that give the spices their aroma! They can be present in the leaves, such as in bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) or indian bay (Cinnamomum tamala)... Image
Read 9 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Les presentamos a nuestra invitada durante la semana de la "Botánica" : Karen Beatriz Hernández Esquivel

BiĂłloga por la FES Iztcala @Iztacala, Maestra en Ciencias y Candidata a Doctora en el @IIESUNAM Campus Morelia, ambas instituciones @UNAM_MX #puma
Le interesa aportar al conocimiento de las especies de plantas nativas de México. Cómo identificarlas, clasificarlas y cual es el origen de su diversidad. Se considero botánica...
...tiene más de diez años trabajando en florística, taxonomía e historia evolutiva de las plantas con flor y sus polinizadores. Foto A. Torres. #IamABotanist #PlantsAreCool
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