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Mar 16th 2021
1. #IconTC #IconESN Hi, I'm a Paper Conservator for Historic Environment Scotland. I’ll be tweeting on the REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE initiatives introduced by the Archive Conservation team at HES @TizzyHepher @EmmaBuchholz3 @HistEnvScot. Photograph of Lynn Teggart Photograph of Emma BuchholzPhotograph of Elizabeth Hepher
2. #IconTC #IconESN This HES hierarchy reminds us to purchase sustainably - can you can borrow, share, hire or lease instead of buying new? Landfill should be the last resort after all reuse and recycling options have been investigated. Sustainable Purchasing Hierarchy – Rethink need, Borrow, s
3. #IconTC #IconESN REDUCE energy consumption and waste by installing LED lights. In this strong room upgrade fluorescent tubes were swapped with longer life and lower wattage LEDs. Motion detectors and a dimmer switch were added to minimise light, see before/after photos. Lighting in strong room before upgrade to LED lightsLighting in strong room after upgrade to LED lights
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