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Jul 16th 2019
BREAKING: Groups that challenged #CitizenshipQuestion formally ask a federal judge in NY to impose penalties against Trump admin officials for allegedly engaging in "litigation conduct that is nothing less than a fraud." From @ACLU @NYCLU @arnoldporter👇…
@ACLU @NYCLU @arnoldporter 2. Plaintiffs repped by @ACLU, @NYCLU, @arnoldporter allege that Trump admin officials "concealed facts about the case’s central issues through a concerted campaign of delay and obfuscation" and "use of false or misleading testimony" for #CitizenshipQuestion lawsuits.
@ACLU @NYCLU @arnoldporter 3. UPDATE: @TheJusticeDept declines to comment on the new sanctions motion against the Trump administration from #CitizenshipQuestion lawsuit plaintiffs in NY, DOJ spokesperson Kelly Laco tells me.
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