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May 15th 2022
#JaiKisanAndolan Press Release
15 May

Sustainable Agricultural Practices Training Camp for Jai Kisan Andolan Workers

Training camp was organized today by #JaiKisanAndolan at Jai Kisan Andolan Agro-Forestry Centre, Vill Binodbati, Bishnupur Blk, Bankura Dist., West Bengal
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#Biochar & #PSM (Phosphate Solubilising Micro-organisms) are very imp ingredients for increasing soil fertility & reducing dependence on chemical fertilisers. Both can be made by farmer on field, with ingredients from field, without any machine, electricity or external input
This ends farmers’ reliance on corporates who have made farmers completely dependent on their expensive inputs. Hands-on training in making Biochar & PSM given at training camp by Scientist Dr. Antra Ray. 9 activists of Jai Kisan from Hooghly & Bankura Dist participated
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