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Feb 16th 2018
unfortunately, i accidentally deleted the original tweet, but my 24th favorite west wing moment turned into a fun little thread. so i'm taking @JessiBinnix's advice and blowing it out into a full top 25 (probably over the next few days).

@WestWingWeekly @Richard_Schiff
couple notes: this will be my personal favorite WW moments, so it's pure opinion w/ no methodology at all. my favorite moments tend to be the more goofy, out of the way ones, so don't be surprised if biggies like two cathedrals don't make the list.

ok... what's next?
#25 - S1,e4 - "five votes down"

bartlet high on pain killers is kind of a throwaway, but may be the funniest scene in the series.

sam's face when he calls him toby.

toby's face when he gets the hug.

"i'm thinking very seriously about getting a dog."

@Richard_Schiff @RobLowe
Read 31 tweets

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