@WestWingWeekly @Richard_Schiff
ok... what's next?
bartlet high on pain killers is kind of a throwaway, but may be the funniest scene in the series.
sam's face when he calls him toby.
toby's face when he gets the hug.
"i'm thinking very seriously about getting a dog."
@Richard_Schiff @RobLowe
toby sings "suicide is painless" while charlie attempts to convince donna that he hasn't been drinking on the "voyage" of the damned...
"why are we descending? this plane, it's going down."
@Richard_Schiff @DuleHill @NellyMoloney

sam's callgirl friend is discovered & the guys try to calm him down. their bemusement is classic, as is josh's godfather analogy.
"toby, you're the guy that teaches pacino how to make tomato sauce."
@Richard_Schiff @RobLowe @WhitfordBradley

santos, in an attempt to elevate the tone of the campaign, does an ad live.
my roommate (former senate staffer): yeah right... never happen.
me: don't ruin this for me.
"hard part's clearing your throat, really."
@WhitfordBradley #JimmySmitts

ainsley meets bartlet, pt 2. this scene shows off both characters so well. ainsley's quirkiness & enthusiasm. bartlet's earnest consideration to staff.
"i'm concerned about peeing on your carpet."
"well, now i am too."
@emilyprocter @RobLowe

bartlet & vinick's ice cream faith summit is great, but the press conference after actually made me wonder if i'd vote for vinick.
"if you demand expressions of religious faith from politicians, you are just begging to be lied to."

between protecting zoey in the bar & bantering w/ josh & sam after, this feels like the moment charlie found equal footing w/ the others.
"there are no two guys that either one of you could have taken."
@DuleHill @WhitfordBradley @RobLowe

this is the moment when leo rejects the party establishment & starts to assemble the team. toby's resigned dejection, then utter shock at leo's decision is perfect.
"i don't know. i'm pretty drunk."
@Richard_Schiff #JonSpencer

everyone in this scene is perfect & hilarious. allison janney is an absolute force of nature & mary-louise parker plays the straight part flawlessly.
"you know what happened? i didn't have my game face on."
@AllisonBJanney @JoshMalina

bartlet's looking for overwhelming force. this is a funny scene that foreshadows a tragic end for one of zoey's protectors.
"this one here tossed wesley like a bag of potato chips."
@TayeDiggs #MartinSheen #ElisabethMoss

a pretty minor scene overall but i love how it captures where we are in society right now. sam's privileged obliviousness meets cj's utter incredulity.
"yeah, and it's the BATHROBES that's outrageous."
@AllisonBJanney @maffyfitz @RobLowe

the lasting effect a special teacher can have comes across so clearly in janel moloney's performance in this scene.
"mrs. morello, i'm in the oval office with the president of the united states and it's because of you."
@NellyMoloney #MartinSheen

staffers coupling up/josh's surprise is funny, but the best thing about this cold open is the resolution of the 7-season "will they or won't they."
"you might have had an easier year of it if you had come on board."
@NellyMoloney @WhitfordBradley

toby on the fraying edge of meltdown is always a winner.
"well, get one. have an idea. don't come in here with half a thing and not be able to, you know, after you've walked me to the brink..."
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina

nice to see toby's soft side now & then. i think he sees himself in cody & it's touching how he becomes genuinely impressed w/ the kid.
"this is the roosevelt room... where issues are discussed. pull up a chair... it's your meeting."

this is my favorite bartlet speech. no one can figure out what he should say so he decides to "just talk."
i often note there's a west wing for everything. i hate how poignant an example of that this is.
"they weren't born wanting to do this."

santos' convention speech makes me nostalgic for democracy. and i love helen's knowing smile as it slowly dawns on josh what just happened.
"vote for the person who shares your ideals, your hopes, your dreams."
@TeriPolo1 @WhitfordBradley #JimmySmits

will's press conference shows that he gives zero fucks whatsoever & marks the moment sam begins to see that he's "one of us." just a brutal takedown of chuck webb.
"there are worse things in the world than no longer being alive."
@JoshMalina @RobLowe

i have to think that bartlet schooling ritchie on his response to the death of a secret service agent won him a little respect w/ the agent protecting him.
"in case you're wondering, 'crime, boy i don't know,' is when i decided to kick your ass."

the difference between mrs. landingham's tone & expression as she chastises toby for using potus' name to arrange a funeral for a homeless vet is everything.
"you absolutely should not have done that."
"i know."
#KathrynJoosten @Richard_Schiff

the bartlets' marriage is complicated and, at times, fraught, but this scene is them at their absolute best. i wonder how long prior to this moment abby knew she'd do this. when did she grab the scissors?
"why are you telling me this now?" "just 'cause."

from what i understand of his life, this might as well have been jon spencer as himself in this scene. the characteristic generosity of spirit & patient explaining of his addiction to someone who tried to ruin him just flatten me.

it was between this & the knife from S2.
i love the slow reveal of the book's meaning, and charlie's expression & slightly choked reply speak volumes about the connection between these two men.
"thank you, charlie."
@DuleHill #MartinSheen

maybe the best thing about this is how josh tries to smart-ass his way out of a serious conversation, but leo's like, "screw that man. you need help and i'm here for it."
"long as i got a job, you got a job. you understand?"
@WhitfordBradley #JonSpencer

i'm honestly surprised by this, but rewatching this scene a few times made me realize it might be the best-written, -acted, and -directed in the series (at least according to my memory). this will take multiple tweets...
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina

the stark lighting & the way the scene is blocked so that many of the shots are clipped by either a physical barrier (the windows) or the actors themselves make the viewer *feel* toby's anxiety.
john david coles was the director.
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina

speaking of anxiety, it's unclear to me the extent to which writing, directing, and acting overlap so i'm not sure who to credit for the feeling that's generated from toby's fidgeting & mumbling, but i imagine it's a combo of the 3.
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina

the scene goes from a fairly rote interaction to one where neither person fully understands what's happening w/ a speed that's striking. will thinks he's there for a simple dick measuring contest, but toby's vulnerability derails that.
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina

final note: i love the contradiction between toby's crisis vs his seeming confidence as he describes it. will's struggle to understand & respond is palpable, but he does figure it out and the dynamic changes instantly.
he's one of us.
@Richard_Schiff @JoshMalina