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Oct 16th 2018
On #nationalbossday, I'll offer some tips, learned from a 25 year long mistake, by which I refer to my employment as Staff Counsel at Free Speech Advocates, as Litigation Counsel at Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, and from 19 years as Senior Counsel at @ACLJ.
First things first:

If your boss talks badly about EVERY SINGLE COLLEAGUE behind their backs, he's talking badly about you to them.

In 2012, when Jay #Sekulow was preparing to endorse Mittens Romney, he ordered the Washington DC office to absent themselves. He expressly stated
that he was afraid of what our office manager, Glinda Corbin, might say if a TV news camera would be put in her face.

No wonder.

Sekulow and the Confederation of Dunces managing @ACLJ had once circulated a memorandum, when our $5Million office opened on Capitol Hill. T
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