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Apr 8th 2022
1/n Open letter to PM @ImranKhanPTI
My dear captain, my leader... the leader of this nation, a nation tht has been betrayed again and again and again by the very people that have ruled since independence..

& When we finally chose YOU, we found peace, and reassurance that..
2/n ..the future of 🇵🇰 is bright & we will be able to live our lives like a self respecting nation. BUT NO! Conspiracies are hatched, people are bought..betrayals.. and we are here today when a #judicialcoup is in place just to force you out. As a concerned citizen i ask why?
3/n.. as a concerned citizen I ask you to name and shame those people whilst u have the chance. I agree with you Khan sahb when u say X institution nd Y institution keeps this country together. But as my PM, I ask u this. If few powerful people in X institution force a popular.
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