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Nov 22nd 2022
(Untitled) T.C. Boring 1972 was taken at 508 MacArthur Street in Greenwood Mississippi. This Portrait of my father is used with William Eggleston's Murderabilia he has been selling since 1983.
He started selling his Murderabilia shortly after my father, US Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. Thomas Chester Boring, Jr was murdered in his home located at 103 Virginia Street in Greenwood Mississippi on May 10, 1980.
William Eggleston has two different claims as to where he took this photograph. In 2016 in London at the National Portrait Gallery Eggleston claimed this portrait was taken where my father was murdered.
In 2018 Eggleston claimed in Oxford American magazine the portrait of my
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Nov 12th 2022
If you have any information about US Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. TC Boring's unsolved murder & Photographer William Eggleston's Murderabilia please email your leads to
All leads will be given to a Cold Case Unit investigating his unsolved murder.
William Eggleston refuses to speak to me about his Murderabilia and claims he made about my father's unsolved murder.
Here is the letter I mailed to Eggleston and he signed for in 2019.
I have never met or spoken to Eggleston.
William Eggleston is a suspect in my father's unsolved murder. He took a picture of the murder weapon that supposedly murdered my father so he claims and has been selling that photo and other photos of my father and his home at 508 MacArthur Street while talking about his murder.
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Nov 9th 2022
I am very Happy today and Grateful that finally a Cold Case Unit in Mississippi is going to investigate William Eggleston's Murderabilia and my father's unsolved murder.
I felt like a load I have been carrying has lifted off of me today when I heard the news. #JusticeforBoring
Many people will be interviewed by the detective investigating my father's unsolved murder.
Some of those people are very close friends to William Eggleston and also we're going to get down to the bottom of the two different claims Eggleston has for where my father was murdered
with his photograph (Untitled) TC Boring 1972.
I found the Axe 🪓
William Eggleston has the murder weapon and he never gave it to authorities to help their investigation with my father's unsolved murder.
Instead Eggleston profited off my father's murder with Murderabilia. Image
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Oct 15th 2022
I just left my first message with the Eggleston Trust in Memphis Tennessee about my father's unsolved murder and life Eggleston is fabricating with his Murderabilia.
I hope William Eggleston returns my call. #JusticeforBoring
I'm going to start recording audio and video recordings of me calling the Eggleston trust in Memphis Tennessee.
I want you all to know what I have to go through trying to get a man who's making millions of dollars off my father's unsolved murder with lies and Murderabilia.
Do you think Eggleston is going to respond to my voicemail?

Do you think his kids will call me back and speak to me about my father's unsolved murder Eggleston seems to know so much about with his photos of the murder weapon that he claims took out my dad on May 10, 1980.
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Sep 22nd 2022
Thread 🧵 Photographer William Eggleston was honored by the Ambassador of France in 2016 with the Ordre National des Arts et lettres Awards Ceremony in Los Angeles on April 19, 2016.
Three months later Eggleston held his Portraits Exhibitions in London, England.
Here is a photo of William Eggleston taking the hand of Ambassador of France Mr. Gerard Araud and pressing it against his cheek.
France is a big fan of Eggleston's work and Murderabilia. Image
William Eggleston, who is a scam artist, was presented with an award by France in 2016 just three months before he was in London.
France gave an award to a man who lies about my father's life and unsolved murder with Murderbilia all over the world. Image
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