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Jun 15th 2020
KAM has this morning met @MoICTKenya PS @Jkorir_Youth , Secretary @rochieng , @YouthFund_Ke Ag, CEO Benson Muthendi & @NYC_YouthVoice CEO @RoySasaka.

The meeting focused on areas of partnership to promote the youth's participation in the country's development.

#KeepKenyaMoving Image
KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - KAM works with government to develop policies that drive industrial growth in the country. This is an opportunity for us to involve the youth in our programmes, including #KAMSMEHub, Manufacturing Academy & Skills Development.

#KeepKenyaMoving Image
We engage the youth on jobs, entrepreneurship & talent development in order to increase their participation and inclusion in the country's growth. We give them a platform to be involved in Kenya's economy and governance - @MoICTKenya PS @Jkorir_Youth

#KeepKenyaMoving Image
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Dec 18th 2019
Vision 2030 seeks to strengthen local production capacity to increase domestically-manufactured goods by focusing on improving the sector’s productivity, raising the share of Kenyan products in the regional market and developing niche products - CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#KDHC2019 Image
The government has prioritized manufacturing under the #Big4Agenda. Some of the incentives to promote the sector include the fight against illicit trade, government Procurement from local industries & gazettement of Energy Rebate Program - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#KDHC2019 Image
Value addition is a huge opportunity for industrial growth. 97.3% of our tea is exported in bulk - only 2.7% is valued added. If we are to add value to our tea, we would earn at least 500% of the value of the raw exports - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis

#KDHC2019 Image
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Oct 30th 2019
We have created #KAMSMEHub and #WIMKe to provide mentorship and networking opportunities for Women, who want to get into manufacturing - KAM Head of Comms @SalKahiu on @switchtvkenya #FullCirclewithJoyce Image
Rexe Roofing MD @Roofing_Queen - It is important to identify like minded people, like KAM, so you can put efforts together to advocate for your growth @switchtvkenya #FullCirclewithJoyce #WIMKe Image
Alot of women are doing manufacturing but in low scale. KAM is offering opportunities for Women In Manufacturing to break barriers, we need to take advantage of this - Rexe Roofing MD @Roofing_Queen on @switchtvkenya #FullcirclewithJoyce #WIMKe Image
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