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Apr 18th 2022
#KatherineDevesIsRight we have seen that the State has removed children under 16 from their parents for surgical intervention, first publicised case Nov 2020 in WA, where a gay autistic girl was removed for amputation of her breasts at 15 years old. But there's more .../1 Image
@michaelkoziol as early as Sept 2021 up to a 100 families have had their kids taken by the State, for 'gender affirming care' aka surgical alteration of bodies, amputations of breasts and genitalia of CHILDREN. I can personally confirm it. ONE HUNDRED + KIDS by now. #KathDeves Image
How is this happening you ask @michaelkoziol maybe you should do some research, cause it's there in black and white. When it comes to Gender Identity or Trans Ideology the State schools can transition a child without the consent or knowledge of the parents /3 #KathDevesIsRight Image
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