How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the promotion of a new form of Marxism - identity marxism that pivots on 3 different axises of oppression, the 'oppression' of heteronormativity (hence queering the binary), 'oppresion' of systematic racism (hence critical race theory) and the replacement of material based…… as early as Sept 2021 up to a 100 families have had their kids taken by the State, for 'gender affirming care' aka surgical alteration of bodies, amputations of breasts and genitalia of CHILDREN. I can personally confirm it. ONE HUNDRED + KIDS by now. #KathDeves review of 10 studies by Ristori and Steensma found that 61% - 98% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria (GD) desisted (did not continue to experience dysphoria at follow-up):… 2/