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Apr 16th 2020
In the kind of ‘family ensembles’ that Basu Chatterjee and Hrishikesh Mukherjee assembled, Ranjit Chowdhry stood out. He was angular, wryly funny, self-deprecating, qualities mainstream Bollywood didn’t quite know what to do with
He combined sharpness with self-awareness, whether he was doing something as mundane as practising karate kids or playing the violin, or as objectionable as taking advantage of a sick old lady
Each role, pretty much, was memorable. #KhattaMeetha #Khubsoorat, #BaatonBaatonMein #SamAndMe #Fire #Kaante. And that delivery, it was unique. If you heard him, you knew it was /#RanjitChowdhry. Rest well, actor, good human.
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