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Sep 23rd 2020

1. Five years before the Norman Conquest, in the little village of Walsingham, England, a pious widow, Richeldis, had a vision in which the Blessed Virgin asked her to build a
replica of the Holy House of the Annunciation.
2. Richeldis hastened to obey. Thus, says the legend, England received its most celebrated shrine.


The Holy House of Loreto is said to be the very house in which our Lady lived, while the house at Walsingham was a replica of it.
3. Of the two, Walsingham is the older. The date given for the foundation of Loreto is 1291, that for Walsingham is 1061. There is no doubt of the sanctity of both shrines nor of the number favours granted there. Among the thousands who made the pilgrimage to Walsingham
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