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You may be wondering why Virgil's fans are celebrating her graduation from Kometa. Under normal circumstances, we would be upset. I've personally spent a year of my free time following her as a dedicated fan. Lemme give you the (long) run down. #Kometa_VL Image
Firstly, Kometa basically gets a pass from the Filipino community for being "the first PH vtuber company". While this is true, they haven't actually done anything that couldn't have been achieved as an indie group. There are no managers, there is no merch, there are no ads. Image
The CEO, Gira, is a 20smth yr-old college dropout rich kid who has been vague posting about 'meetings', 'investment', and being 'hard at work' for a year. There is no practical communication. We were supposed to finally have merch for the 1yr anni, it still isn't here 6mths later Image
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