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Thread ๐Ÿงต

Translations will be added here as I complete them, all are done by me, do not share / repost without giving credit, thank you. May contain inaccuracies. Text only (no photo edits).
#BoysPlanet #๋ณด์ด์ฆˆํ”Œ๋ž˜๋„ท
I will be translating them in reverse alphabetical order.

Translation of all the G-Group trainee profiles is already complete, they can be found in the other thread attached here:
I will also be adding the additional info from the short profiles on the official website not in the documents (Agency, Height, Hobbies). The Hobbies are already translated into English on the website, Iโ€™m just fixing grammar if needed. Iโ€™m also converting the Height to feet.
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