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Mar 14th 2023
Today 14th March is 778th anniversary of Lakhnauti Battle led by Kalinga eastern Ganga emperor Langula Narasinmha deva. It was one of the greatest battle ever fought against Islamic forces in Indian subcontinent.
Odia army captured capital Lakhnauti defeating them.
When Mamluk dynasty made his way to Bengal in just 12yrs after battle of tarain, winning odisha was just a matter of a time for hordes of Islam and made their way to south india and decan area .
Governor of Bengal sultanate under Mamluk dynasty was Tughrab khan .
But Langula Narasimha deva under the command of Lord Jagannatha approached aggressive policy against Islamic forces.
In a tactical war of Katsin (contai now, in WB) Kalinga army ambushed Moslem forces in 1243 and slained Thousands of them.
Now Radh, Varendra (N.bangladesh)+
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