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Jun 2nd 2023

In its 279th Report on the "Usage of the Law of Sedition (April, 2023), the Law Commission of India (LCI) has recommended RETAINING Section 124A of IPC, increased the punishment, and has proposed additional safeguards to avoid its misuse. 1/10
#LawCommissionofIndia Image
In support of #SeditionLaw, the LCI, headed by Former Chief Justice of Karnataka HC, Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, has referred to the Supreme Court's 1962 judgment in Kedar Nath Singh v. State of Bihar for clarity, while ending up making it more unclear than before. 2/10
The Report has also regurgitated the age-old reliance on terrorism and threats to national security to allow the retention of a law that is being heavily misused to stifle any form of dissent and criticism of the government. 3/10
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