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Apr 26th 2022
It is not a short cut, but few strategies for winners 👑💰
A) 70% Win Rate To Make You Rich:
1.Chose one or two strategies based on your profile
2. Add one or two indicators for confluence
3. Back test at least 100 charts/set ups
.. cont ❤️
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Try to win at least 70% trades on back testing
4. Proceed with paper trading & achive at least 70% win rate
5. Then trade with small margin & no leverage, win 70%
6. Gradually increase the trade size
.. Contn...
7. You will be confident & you won't panic when trading with large size trades
B) 70:30 long short ratio to make you rich
1. Never go all long or all shorts
2. In case of bull market maintain 70:30 long:short ratio in terms of trade size
.. Contn...
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Feb 27th 2022
He is a pointless, imbecile..bookish 'buy support, sell resistance' type, self proclaimed TA expert.

He is a potential whale food supplier, he would lead us directly to the whales'mouth.

95% of day the traders lose their capital to the MM.

Let me explain...
1. We have a defined 'Initial SL', which is between 1 to 6%, sometimes even higher. We can calculate risk before entering a trade. You may take it or leave it, based on your risk appetite

2. Once in profit, we book partial profit and move the SL to the entry. (Dynamic SL)
3. But we don't set a specific target, we go with the flow.

4. We enter a trade after a break out. We don't book profit until we see a reversal. Even on reversal we will book only a partial profit.

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