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Feb 2nd 2022

Now that Mutahi Kagwe is exporting Kenya medical workers abroad, it's good to recap how much madharao GoK has for Kenyan people and sees healthcare as an export industry.

In 2017, @DenisGalava had the foresight to publish this article about how GoK sold out public healthcare to deny doctors jobs and force them to work abroad or pay them peanuts at home.

It trended for a few hours. It was during #lipakamatender…
In 2019, I presented a paper at Witz in South Africa about the revolutionary piece by Dr Eunice Sango (RIP) and what the government is doing to health workers.…
Read 14 tweets
Apr 24th 2018
The cost of healthcare: a thread.

In mid February, a close family member fell seriously ill. Since family has not given permission to say their name/condition, I will keep this brief and a little anonymous. But suffice it to say, the family member has had a few brushes with serious conditions.
The FM (family member) is taken to the nearest hospital, which is not in Nairobi. The Doctors say it is the usual. They don't see anything wrong, but decide to monitor FM. FM deteriorates and goes into crisis- unable to breath. Another FM sends the sick FM on ambulance to Nairobi
Read 27 tweets
Mar 7th 2018
Since #lipakamatender, we've said the biggest problem of our healthcare is political. Our politicians are just stupid. They don't understand healthcare, wont consult professionals who understand, yet they make decisions based on optics, not effectiveness.
The media has done the public a disservice by sensationalizing the problems with social services but not explaining them. They focus on government statements, optics and mistakes by professionals, and nothing else. Yet whatever government says is often not what government does
As Dr. Kimani said, it is more important for media to be patients' advocates, than doctors' accusers. The same for education: the media and businesses have been bashing educators and not asking us what problems we teachers face or asking about the children. @MarkMasai #presspass
Read 5 tweets

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