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Nov 12th 2018
Can we just stop saying that Longguo called his fans delusional? He literally never said that. The caption said disillusioned and was mistranslated in that thread of "proof". He never said he hates his fans either. He did say some were like nagging mother in laws or smt like that
I wanted to share my thoughts on this "proof" thread but I see some Joyfuls reported the poster and she was suspended. Not cool guys. I can understand because that thread was full of misinfo but she had a really nice Jung Sewoon account and only tried to help by translating πŸ˜‘
The translation was a bit lacking and it did cause a lot of misunderstandings but there wad another thread commenting and debunking some of the claims also. I'm guessing that also disappeared with the original thread.
I just want to clear some things up.
Read 106 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
JBJ 1st Mini Album 'FANTASY'
#JBJ #sanggyun #kenta #longguo #hyunbin #donghan #taehyun
Read 60 tweets

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