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Dec 18th 2022
Sweet Life - Event AU

A plucked-out tune, a tease of a note, the sound incomplete with no lyrics, it was all music to his ears.

It was all about the musician who created the music that brought the right emotions. And his brought out all of them.
Another pull of a string, a frustrated groan from the other room, Apo could only look down at the stove with a bowed head to snicker, made sure to not disturb the flow or as Mile called it ‘his Greeny time’ whatever that meant.
He knew better than to be too inclusive or demanding of his time, Apo just enjoyed the fact they could indulge in the simplicities of life together now. The facet of having to go back and forth, his apartment, Mile’s, too much work.
Read 32 tweets
Dec 17th 2022
Made You Look - P5 🔞Mature/Explicit
(College Seniors AU)

#Nnattawin #MilePhakphum #MileApo
Heart was pressed to his ribcage, body melted to the one he straddled, increased heat of the vehicle, it all made for a beautiful delirium of lust that made Apo want to live in the dreamscape forever.

“Mile…” A raspy whisper escaped him or was it a whine?
Read 56 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
The Ghost of You - Part 1
~Assassin x Agent~ MA AU
✨Collab with @karaiverse
#มายอาโป #MileApo
#MilePhakphum #Nnattawin Image
“Apo – run!”

Spine paralyzed, his face suddenly stippled dark red from the blood spatter as his comrade fell, crumpled to the ground like a useless rag doll, contorted with lifeless eyes that stared at him, red lines outlined a halo around that head. Gone.
A jerk of his head towards the open front door, there stood a man whose mouth and nose were covered by a black face mask, but Apo could see those eyes. Cold as black ice, callous as stone, zero regard for life as the silencer lifted once again.
Read 72 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
~Made You Look~ P1
(College AU)
For @kathdays

The droplets of rain that hit the windowpane sounded like white noise, intense to subtle, fingers matched the rhythm unconsciously.

Tapping and clicking buttons on a laptop, paused to stifle a yawn, palms fisted against eyes.
How was he still functioning? Correct answer? He wasn’t. The time? It was 11PM.

He should have been at home.
A brief pause in his thoughts, Apo looked to the other occupants of the university library. Two making out on a couch, and two on separate tables with the notable hunch of concentration.
Read 41 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
Need You Now - P4
(Model x Owner AU)

Beauty was a complex concept to comprehend, to brand. They say it depends on the eye of the beholder, the subject, and the reaction.

Mile could never find himself terribly impressed by anyone.
The models, they all blended the same, glided around like swans, or wannabes geese, chins jutted out.

Painted pouty lips, bright eyes, knock off of one another.
The runway was the chop of the ax. Mile always situated himself up front to get a close angle, analyze, determine if they deserved to keep their contract or not. They worked hard yet failed.
Read 47 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
~Love So Soft~ MA AU
(Venue Owner x Singer)
For: @its_just_Thu ❤️

Who wouldn’t enjoy the hundreds of adoring fans, cheering, chanting, and coming from near and far to see you?

The banners, the merchandise, the support.
Mile understood the appeal of being famous. ImageImage
The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of the performance.
He dreamt of it. Secretly. In his apartment. Alone.
A novice guitar player, Mile knew he had no chance at making it big. Skill not up to par with local bands, he preferred to stick to playing at friend gigs or the bar near the theater after hours. He played for the music, the freedom.
Read 47 tweets

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