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Aug 12th 2020
Unidentified and unanswered people/questions from the day of:
#MahaGovtBackingKillers #CBIForSSR

1. Who are these two? Image
2. If #RheaChakraborty walked into the crime scene in front of the cameras, why does the #MumbaiPolice report say she was in the house? I have heard this on TV news so don’t know if the report actually says so. #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers Image
3. Who is the guy in the blue T-shirt? He is not the same as the blue shirt guy. #CBIForSSR #MahaGovtBackingKillers Image
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Aug 12th 2020

@IndiaToday reached shushant's house in bandra I week ago. even sushant's room was not seized. It has been made a picnic spot by @MumbaiPolice and still people will say trust mumbai police let them work atleast. All evidences probably tempered and are...
...being tempered. @ishkarnBHANDARI sir specifically written to mumbai police to seize the house. #MahaGovtBackingKillers and it's clear from the conduct.@Swamy39 @ishkarnBHANDARI @shekharsuman7 @iRaviTiwari @nishikant_dubey @RoopaSpeaks @YourNaman @iujjawaltrivedi @RShivshankar
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Aug 12th 2020
Plz tell me I am not the only one who thinks #AnilDeshmukh & #AshokSamarth aka Shiva Nayak from #Singham are the same person!!

#MahaGovtBackingKillers ImageImageImageImage
@GhasIate bugh re baba
Poor Ashok Samarth must be getting heckled on the street because of this! 😞
Read 3 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
1.7M dislikes must make Bhatts, KJ, Chopras,Sanjay Leela Bhansali and d Cabal realise gone are the days when they rejected true talents for their projects!

Now true talents will reject them, that's the change SSR wanted and audience wl make it happen!
#MahaGovtBackingKillers Image
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