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Dec 3rd 2020
A legal-historian of early modern Irish crime and punishment, I will 'live-tweet' the last days and hours of John Atherton, a bishop of Waterford & Lismore and ally of the Wentworth executive, who was executed on 5 Dec 1640 in Dublin. Image
One of the primary sources for this is Nicholas Bernard, 'The penitent death of a woefull sinner', published in London in 1651. Bernard attended to Atherton's spiritual needs in the condemned cell at Dublin Castle, whilst being transported north of the river, and at the scaffold
Bernard is largely sympathetic, but there were a number of other more hostile sources in later years, either horrified by Atherton's behaviour or using it to embarrass and damage the episcopal state church.
Some of the best modern material is that by Clarke and by Marshall, etc ImageImageImageImage
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