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Oct 9th 2020
Welcome to my dive into #MarvelousMoss. Most of what we know about plants centers on vascular plants. But there is this incredibly rich & interesting lineage(s) of nonvascular plants or bryophytes. These plants are other-worldly, create habitat & be habitat, & defy physics! 1/ Image
Bryophytes=liverworts, hornworts, mosses are often referred to as cryptogams (meaning hidden reproduction). But I think about cryptic diversity. Most of the plant diversity in northern ecosystems is on the ground, difficult to ID, but provides loads of important functions. 2/ Arctic mosses and ground co...
Time for a deep time dive! Mosses are the closest relatives to the first land plants. The first bryophytes emerged in the Cambrian (aka Cambrian explosion of diversification) while the living clade of vascular plants emerged later in the Ordovician. 3/…
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