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May 22nd 2023
Today's #MuncipalistMonday profiles Catalonia's @cupnacional, aka La CUP. This is an anti-capitalist assembly based movement with municipalism at its core.

Good luck to CUP candidates running in 28 May municipal elections across Catalonia!

#EleccionsMunicipals #28M Image
Beyond Catalonia, CUP is most well-known as the anti-capitalist party demanding Catalonia ruptures from Spain, frequently holding the balance of power in the Catalan parliament. However, CUP's municipalist core is less discussed abroad.
Forming 1987, CUP drew together anti-Francoist energies forming around participative democracy, feminism, anti-authoritarianism & liberation. It didn't stand in Catalan elections until 2012: these decisions were made by consensus through its confederal system.
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