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Sep 9th 2020
“Oye Kaffir”! This is exactly why Islam is a menace to peaceful co-existence in this world! It is an Adharmic faith. Krishna or Chanakya would never let such Adharma live. Hindus must work towards return of Muslims to their pre-Islamic Pagan roots. Hindus must become missionary!
They wish to prevent Hindus from “Dozakh Ki Aag”. Their almighty ‘allah’, creates non-Muslims, then tests them. If they do not listen to ‘his’ word and convert to Islam, ‘he’ burns them in ‘eternal hell’.

Such a disgraceful idea of god deserves the dustbin - not our respect.
We need to start by bringing back #Pasmanda_Muslims. They live lives worse than Dalits among Hindus. This will demonstrate Hinduism’s ability to create new Jaatis and integrate communities within the Hindu fold.
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