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Mar 12th 2020
NEXT UP: 7th seeded Tayra (Eira barbara) VS 10th seeded Falanouc (Eupleres goudotii) #2020MMM Arkive photo of a tayra, a large black weasel, sitting on a rock and among foliage. Taken by Pete Oxford.Arkive photo of a falanouc, a mongoose like creature, taken at night. The falanouc is walking among grass. Photo by Pete Oxford.
Bushdog, irara, gato negro, perro de monte, lepasil, tayra. Our first combatant is a #MustelidofManyNames - every country in its range has their own name. The genus alludes to this: Eira is Guarani [indigenous language spoken by peoples of Bolivia/Paraguay] for tayra. #2020MMM A close up photo of a tayra's face. It appears to be smiling. Photo from, taken by Nick Gorden.<br />
Found throughout Central and South America, the tayra [common name in Colombia] is one of the most common carnivores in its range since it can live near humans in smaller (or more fragmented) habitats. The IUCN currently lists them as "Of Least Concern". #2020MMM An IUCN map showing the tayra's range. The tayra is of " src="/images/1px.png" data-src="">
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