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Feb 19th 2021
Every day I get asked what area of anaesthesia I want to specialise in. Answer is. I don’t know yet.

Got me reflecting on how long it took to get to this point. Someone said you must share your story. Feels like over sharing, but bear with me. Long thread!
At school my physics teacher told me. Girls don’t do science. I took these words to heart. Ditched physics, flunked chemistry & scraped through biology. Went to college & did English, Art & Communications A levels. Worked in Asda for a couple of years, then applied to Bristol..
University for a degree in Social Policy & Sociology. My GP wrote a letter to specialist referral saying how I was lying about doing A levels & was clearly fantasising. One teacher Mr Tempest believed I could do it. Supported & encouraged me. I did my degree.
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