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Jan 26th 2023
The Tories have ruined our NHS. It is now a 2 Tier system those who are well off enough to have private health and have adequate healthcare & those that don’t & can’t get treatment they need.
A colleague of mine told me about his friend who he was going to see after work.
His friend (56) collapsed in the street and ambulance took to A&E the doctors told him@ there was a blockage in his heart but unable to have surgery at the hospital due to availability of surgeons and told to go home and rest not to do anything strenuous stay downstairs not under
Under any circumstance go upstairs or anything that might stress his his heart. His family rung around other hospitals to try and get him surgery, earliest he could get an op was a month. Fearing death he decided to contact Nuffield Health. He has no health insurance they said
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