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Jun 21st 2022
1/ Today, on National Indigenous Peoples Day, we want to bring everyone’s attention to the yintah. On a day when many politicians will be out showing their faces at events meant to celebrate our culture they only subscribe to when it serves them. ImageImageImage
2/ They do not want to acknowledge and follow the laws of our land. Laws that have been in place since time immemorial. Laws that restrict their access to our territories and resources. No, they just want to see us dance and sing and go home quietly.
3/ The destruction of Wet’suwet’en yintah and the imminent threat to Wedzin Kwa is not what they want to discuss. But this is our reality. One year after the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act became LAW we are still fighting.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 21st 2022
1. Check out this amazing story by @KateDubinski about an incredible daycare + family centre in London. It's Indigenous-led +caters to urban Indigenous families. LOOK AT THESE FACES. Joy. #LdnOnt

This is Lorna Chrysler + her son, Darryl Wright, 5,…
2. This is Dawn Redskey. Her one-year-old son, Robin Redskye-McKinstry goes to the daycare. The first thing Dawn noticed when she walked into the Nshwaasnangong Child Care and Family Centre was the smell of smudge in the air. Image
3. "I almost cried the first time I smelled it. I thought, 'Oh my gosh. It just feels so nice to be able to bring my baby into this atmosphere where this is encouraged. He gets to be around people that understand where he's from and are able to help kindle that identity."
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