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At the beginning of February 2022, #Biden warned that "if #Russia invades #Ukraine with tanks and troops, then there will be no more #NordStream2"
#ItsDone #NordStream: Fourth leak found as Russia and West trade blame over alleged sabotage of gas pipeline | Sep 29
- #EU and #US have stopped to directly accusing Russia, a #Kremlin official was rebuked after hinting that #Washington was #responsible.
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#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
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Il y a 30 ans, le 🇨🇦 a signé la Convention sur l’interdiction des armes chimiques. Notre engagement envers la Convention reste plus fort que jamais💪
Nous combattons l'impunité pour l'utilisation d'armes chimiques partout dans🌍

Nous appelons la 🇷🇺 à clarifier les circonstances de l'empoisonnement de M. Navalny avec un #Novichok & soutenons l’ Ukraine contre la guerre d'agression illégale de la Russie.

Notre contribution de 10 millions d'euros au Centre ChemTech permettra à l'#OIAC de répondre à des menaces liées aux armes chimiques de + en + complexes.

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30 years ago, 🇨🇦 signed the #ChemicalWeaponsConvention. Our commitment to the CWC remains as strong as ever💪
We fight impunity for CW use everywhere. We call on 🇷🇺 to clarify the circumstances of Mr. Navalny’s poisoning with a #Novichok & #StandWithUkraine against Russia’s illegal war of aggression.
🇨🇦's €10 million contribution to the ChemTech Centre enables the #OPCW’s response to increasingly complex CW threats.

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#CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq had NO WMDs. #USA #GeorgeWBush #Cheney @CondoleezzaRice #ColinPowell and #UK #TonyBlair knew it too so they needed a plan to slander #SaddamHussein: Use 3rd party called #Bellingcat to launder #lies via client #journalists + #media, and manipulate World. #CIA and #MI6 KNEW #Iraq ha...
When USEFUL IDIOTS lie: #Navalny with #Bellingcat's Christo Grosev said, "#Novichok disappears from body within hrs" plus Navalny's chief of staff Leonid Volkov trigger phrase "#Putin's signature" for effect. They forgot #Skripal's blood were taken weeks after they were poisoned.
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A fundamental forgotten but unresolved #OSINT: On August 20, 2020, #Navalny was allegedly poisoned with #Novichok in Tomsk. #Bellingcat then bought flight and phone connection data on the Darknet and extracted from it the private public mobile phone number of an #FSB man, ...
...who then admitted the whole poisoning plot on this private public mobile phone.
Q: How could Bellingcat link that private public cell phone number to an August 2020 crime when that number was not activated until November 2020?
And how is it possible that 3% of the calls with this number were made from Arlington / Washington DC while the pranked FSB cleaner is explaining to his "superior" (Navalny) that he is in Covid quarantine?
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Exclusive: The German company Riol Chemie GmbH is suspected of having illegally exported toxic substances to Russia. Among them substances needed for the production of #chemical weapons. #NDRWDRSZ… THREAD
Customs investigators assume that company managers exported dual-use goods to Russia in + than 30 cases without having a licence. It is possible that the company also supplied a substance that is used, among other things, for the production of the warfare agent #Novichok
According to our information, most of the substances went to the company #Khimmed in Russia. According to information from our colleagues at @istories_media , #Khimmed & @OCCRP also cooperated with special laboratories of the FSB and the Russian military. Russian military.
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What is #Psychopathy? And is Vladimir Putin a #Psychopath?

A thread 🧵 based on what we know about his personality and history, and the Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience of the condition

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People describe #Putin as a bully, a mafia boss, a barbaric war criminal, or simply as evil.

All of these views are correct, but Psychopathy is in many ways an attempt at a scientific understanding of evil

If we understand the personality traits and behaviours of psychopaths, we can begin to understand the extent to which a person may be Psychopathic (or not).

As psychopathy exists on a spectrum, perhaps a better question is *how psychopathic* is Putin?

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How can say this? Three reasons.

1. The chemical was not confirmed to be "novichok". Porton Down said it had found novichok in the #Skripal blood samples, but in court PD's expert wouldn't confirm this.
The #OPCW was careful not to explicitly identify #novichok in its analysis of the blood samples it received from the UK. It hedged its language in a strange way, merely saying it "confirmed" the UK's findings relating to the identity of the chemical. (2/6)
2. Nobody knows where the bottle of #novichok that turned up 4 months later in a flat in #Amesbury 8 miles away from #Salisbury, came from -- least of all Charlie Rowley, who supposedly found it. There's no evidence the bottle was ever in #Salisbury. (3/6)
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New @UNIDIR publication on #novichok nerve agents out today:…
The report describes the process that took place @OPCW following the attempted poisoning in Salisbury in the UK with a novichok agent, resulting in first ever amendment of #CWC Annex on Chemicals
Following a discussion of some of the science involved (many thanks to @science_enduro for invaluable inputs), the report discusses suitability of Schedule amendment for dealing with this particular challenge to norm against chemical weapons use
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#Putin rejimi tarafından zehirlendikten sonra ölümün eşiğinden dönen & sonrasında #Rusya'da tutuklanan Rus #muhalefet lideri Alexei Navalny, Fransızları Emmanuel Macron'u seçmeye çağırdı & Marine LePen'i yolsuz & 2yüzlü olarak nitelendirdi.

#Fransa #Seçim #LePen #Macron #Siyaset
Sovyet döneminden kalma sinir ajanı #Novichok ile zehirlenen Rus muhalif lider Alexei #Navalny #Rusya'dan #Almanya'ya uçup orada tedavi olduktan sonra #Moskova'ya döndüğünde, susturulmak için sözde zimmete para geçirme iddiasıyla hapse atıldı. Tedavi için Rusya'dan Berlin'e uçakla getirilen Rus muhale
Cenevre'de bir basın toplantısında konuşan "BM Yargısız, kısa yoldan veya keyfi infazlar konusunda Özel Raportör" Bayan Callamard

"Bizim vardığımız sonuç, Bay Navalny'nin keyfi olarak öldürülme girişiminden Rusya'nın sorumlu olduğunu."

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Russia claims #US wanted to spread infectious #diseases via #biolabs in #Ukraine | Mar 18
-Russia’s Der Min accused the US of developing infectious diseases in biolabs in Ukraine with the aim of spreading them to Russia disguised as '#natural outbreaks.'
'#Pentagon funded' #Biolabs near #Russian borders.
#OMG Boris @BorisJohnson
#Pentagon funded #Novichok is made in #USA and developed further in #Salisbury.
Patent No: US 9,132,135 B2.
"Methods of a treatment of #organo-#phosphorus #poison agents" issued in Sep. 2015, Pat. filed in 2008.
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#CaroleCadwalladr, seen here with her friend, the "ex-spy" Christopher Steele, has evidently been ordered to re-heat the #Skripal #Salisbury #novichok story (which Steele was involved with) because of the "biolabs" found in #Ukraine. So let's deconstruct her #disinformation. 1/11
#CaroleCadwalladr has long been known to be associated with UK intelligence. Documents reveal her connection to the discredited 'Integrity Initiative', a project intended to build a network of client journalists to promote the establishment's agenda. 2/11
This is the article we'll quickly look at, which #CaroleCadwalladr had published in The Observer today. We will see that she is the antithesis of an investigative journalist, carefully avoiding the important questions about stories like the #Skripals. 3/11…
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I wanted to thank the many people who expressed support for my brother who was arrested in Moscow protest #StandWithUkraine. This means a lot to us. His last message was that he was released close to midnight. I brought up his plight 1) (thread)
2) not because I see equival. in Moscow protesters' plight and of kids hiding in shelters in Kiev hearing rockets and sirens. It is to highlight the obvious-that #Putin claim that "Russian people" desire the #occupation is a sham. That he has been waging a war on his own people
3) That even prior to invading in 2014 he developed and tested during the 2011-12 anti-Putin #SnowflakeRevolution rallies sophisticated machinery of media misinformation defaming protesters as fascists and opportunists on West. payroll. On this see my and @koheiw7 et al. paper in
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Article by @PACE_News calling on Russia to launch an investigation into the use of a #Novichok nerve agent against #Navalny & to accept a Technical Assistance Visit from the #OPCW. Interesting to consider desired objectives/outcomes of a TAV 1.5 yrs after the incident.
TAVs are normally requested much earlier, eg immediately after an incident. This being said, TAVs respond to needs of the requesting State Party, and there is no time limit to request one if requested expertise is available.
Russia had officially requested a TAV from the #OPCW in October 2020 but refused the standard procedures for one, so no TAV took place. All related correspondence is here:…
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OTD 29 years ago, Canada signed the #CWC. Since then, we have been steadfast in our effort to rid the world of #ChemicalWeapons. Keep reading ⬇️
We play a lead role in the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons & Materials of Mass Destruction to prevent #CBRN proliferation & terrorism. 🇨🇦 contributed over $240 million to support CW destruction in #Russia, #Libya, #Iraq and #Syria.

Canada is the top individual donor ($10 million) to the new Centre for Chemistry and Technology, which will position the OPCW to tackle emerging CW threats, promote chemical security and advance the peaceful use of chemistry into the future.

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Sakharov Prize: European Parliament honors Alexei #Navalny | DEc 15
- The Navalny team was loudly applauded by the broad majority of #MEPs attending the ceremony.…
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[Thread] 1/ @OPCW Exec. Council-98, U.S. & 44 other countries requested clarification from #Russia regarding its compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention #CWC, under article IV, para 2, more than a year after Moscow's attack on @navalny.…
2/ This is not the suspension ultimatum @NatSecAnthony & I recommended, but may be part of a medium-to-long-term effort to build a case on Russia's #CWC non-compliance & muster political will for eventual suspension, if compliance is not forthcoming.…
3/ After Russia's attack in the UK in 2018, which resulted in several injured & one dead British mother of three, and the brazen attack against Navalny in Aug. 2020, the international community is showing Moscow it cannot escape accountability.…
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@dankaszeta omitted significant facts and distorted aspects of the #Skripal case in his recent talk for @edskeptics, as I will show in this thread.

Kaszeta's talk is here. It's over an hour long but I'll give ~time reference points with my remarks.

Kaszeta blocked me on Twitter long ago.

This was after I asked him how it was possible that two people as physically different as Sergei and Yulia #Skripal could be *almost simultaneously overcome* by the effects of a nerve agent they had allegedly touched hours before.

After I blocked Kaszeta back (as I do with all who block me) he tried to claim I'd blocked him first!

That's the self-described "king of nerve agent Twitter".

Ah well.

Apart from listening to his @edskeptics talk, I also looked at his book, 'Toxic'.

Let's get started.

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#Habeck und Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine - Kontext: Was tut Russland?

Seit 2014 gab es hunderte Expertenberichte über russische Waffen und Waffenlieferungen in den #Donbas im großen Stil. Der bekannteste Fall ist der der abgeschossenen Boeing #MH17.

In jüngster Zeit haben 2 investigative Recherchen das Bild weiter vervollständigt:

Erstens ein Bericht über die Zugladungen voller Waffen und Munition, die Anfang 2015 während heftiger Kämpfe von Russland in den #Donbas gingen.

Und zweitens die Berichte darüber, wie der Kreml Geheimdienst-Killer nach #Tschechien & #Bulgarien schickte, um mit Bombenanschlägen und Attentaten #Waffenlieferungen an die #Ukraine zu verhindern.

#GRU #Novichok #Skripal

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I've previously made a short timeline of what we're told happened to the #Skripals on the day they were poisoned (Sunday, Mar 4 2018) using only official/MSM sources. This is an expanded version, again focused on the day of the poisoning. 1/43
Sources are [numbered] and listed at the end of the thread. I have added some sourced *comments and used brackets <where the exact point in the timeline is unclear from the sources>. 2/43
9:15 #Skripal's red BMW is seen in #Salisbury in the area of London Road [1]. It is reported Sergei and Yulia were going to visit the graves of Sergei’s wife and son: Yulia’s mother and brother. 4/43
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