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Feb 1st 2022
PRINCE NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY: a thread • with a bulk of the digital archiving out of the way and the innerVIEWs wrapping up EZRA and team can now focus on assembling and editing the doc • what type of material would U like 2 see • what absolutely MUST b included?? #PRINCE4EVER
if we keep this thread POSITIVE and FOCUSED maybe we will b heard • obviously the Albert Magnoli 1989 short “MUSICAL PORTRAIT” is the benchmark • featuring REHEARSAL, SOUNDCHECK, AFTERSHOW and STUDIO material it contains all of the best elements [hopefully longer clips] #PRINCE
this was expanded in2 what is commonly referred 2 as the OMNIBUS documentary • a highlight was the footage longtime collaborator & director Steve Purcell provided focusing heavily on the Nude AND Diamonds and Pearls TOUR • some of this footage is currently screened in Paisley
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