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Jan 12th 2020
Short thread about my experiences in the aftermath of the #HaitiEarthquake , 10 years ago to the day. Quake hit at 16.53 local time, 21.53 GMT, and lasted less than 30 seconds. I worked as a logistics advisor for @Concern at the time and flew out the next day.
I’d worked in #Haiti in 2008 (loved it, such a beautiful place, such friendly people) so I knew the team of 100 staff. Miraculously only 1 had died. Nearly all had lost their homes tho. And all were severely traumatised.
I had to fly into Santo Domingo cos Port au Prince airport was shut down. I managed to hitchhike into P au P on some random private jet I flagged down on the runway in SD. Don’t know who any of these people are in the photo with me. There’s me smiling nervously.
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