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Jun 15th 2023
“Quando parlo di avversari, mi riferisco ai leader europei” Joel #Harding.


[thk @FrancoFracassi1 - link all'articolo a fine 🧵] Image
Joel #Harding, berretto verde, ha contribuito contribuito a pianificare le invasioni di #Haiti, #Iraq e #Afghanistan, aveva fatto parte dello Stato Maggiore per le operazioni speciali J2 dell’Esercito.

2/19 Image
Era il collegamento del J2 per le Information Operations (le operazioni psicologiche e di disinformazione militare) con #Cia, #Dia, #Nsa, #Disa altre agenzie di #Washington.

3/19 Image
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May 24th 2023
@KristaKiuru #Tedros Adhanom: #WHO chief may face #genocide charges | Dec 14
- David #Steinman accused Tedros, 55, who took over at the WHO three years ago, of being one of three officials in control of the Ethiopian security services from 2013 to 2015.
@KristaKiuru 27 years, the #TPLF dominated and controlled every walk of life in every corner of #Ethiopia.
- #HumanRights abuses were rampant, independent media and journalists were non-existent and arrest and intimidation of opposition politicians was commonplace.
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2023
WHOA!!!!! Stinky Cheese 🧀🧀

This paper from .@OpenSAFELY is an absolute shocker, claiming normal antibiotic usage during 2020 in the UK.

We know it wasn't because we looked at it already.

Was this paper published to cover up the #3tablets scandal?

🧵 ImageImage
Here is the claim from @BillyZhong229 the lead author, who seems to be a student (his twitter is less than a year old).

It's propaganda reinforcing the "Antimicrobial stewardship" dictat:


What were "COVID-19 national restrictions"? ImageImage
Well I did this analysis back in Feb showing the HUGE GAP between normal cyclical antibiotic prescriptions and the actual prescriptions during COVID - when GPs were told to stop prescribing antibiotics to the elderly and give them #midazolam instead.
Read 21 tweets
May 16th 2023
Chris Cornell did not suicide himself after trying to expose the Clinton's #Haiti related #ChildTrafficking scandal.
Part 1
Chris Cornell did not suicide himself after trying to expose the Clinton's #Haiti related #ChildTrafficking scandal.
Part 2
Chris Cornell, Paul Walker , Chester Bennington

Bill & Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Frank Giustra, Mike Shinoda

#Haiti #TheClintonFoundation #StopHumanTrafficking #EndChildTrafficking #SaveTheChildren #8MillionAYear #TheyDontKidnapThemselves

Read 8 tweets
May 16th 2023
⭕ El gobierno de @lopezobrador_ se comprometió a recibir mensualmente hasta 30 mil personas que sean devueltas por las autoridades migratorias de #EstadosUnidos. (1/14) 🧵👇 Image
🔹Desde el viernes en la madrugada, cuando expiró la política del #Título42, más de 2,400 personas han sido deportadas o represadas voluntariamente a #México, de acuerdo a información confirmada por el Departamento de Seguridad Interior de #EstadosUnidos. (2/14)
🔹 La mayoría de los migrantes regresados a México son ciudadanos de #Cuba, #Venezuela, #Nicaragua y #Haití, países con los que Estados Unidos no tiene posibilidad legal de tramitar deportaciones. (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
#ClintonMurders #ClintonSuicides

5 fundraisers, 5 doctors, 8 journalists, 11 staffers, 13 lawyers, 22 bodyguards, 23 witnesses, 40 acquaintances to name a few. They grow each year.

A thread 🧵 for awareness 👇

Remember when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections…

America would’ve been much better without George Soros rigging campaign financing

Read 40 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate:
Buried #corona mutated zombie minks rising from the graves, may have contaminated groundwater in Denmark scientists warn - some resurfaced from the mass graves as gasses from the decomposition process pushed the mink out of the ground
@teppaniaki Tanskan pääministeri #Frederiksen Korkeimpaan Oikeuteen.
- Totalitaarinen epidemialaki perustuslain ja ihmisoikeussopimuksen vastainen.
- Valehteli luvasta #lockdown :iin ja 17M minkin teurastamiseen.
- Levitti paniikkia valheellisilla sähköposteilla.
@teppaniaki #Denmark #Minkgate #covid19dk #VaccinePassport
Danes take to the streets at night to protest traffic ban and #Corona dictatorship
- credit: 'No Restrictions No #Masks #KBF @ NoGreatReset'
Read 21 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
El presidente #AMLO se reunió, ayer domingo, con una delegación bipartidista de legisladores y representantes 🇺🇸 liderada por el senador #republicano por #Texas, #JohnCornyn, para tratar temas como el #tráficodearmas, #migración y #fentanilo.
El Presidente reconoció el trabajo de #JoeBiden y el gobierno de 🇺🇸 realizan en materia de #migración; tras celebrar la decisión de otorgar permisos humanitarios a personas #migrantes de #Cuba, #Haití, #Nicaragua y #Venezuela, opciones que no existían antes.
#MarceloEbrard destacó que, contrario a la idea de que 🇲🇽 recibiría 30 mil personas diarias a través del #Título42, los retornos de personas #venezolanas a nuestro país han disminuido hasta 99%.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
La scorsa notte, l'AC Violette, club di #Haiti, ha ottenuto un'incredibile qualificazione nella CONCACAF Champions League ai danni degli statunitensi dell'Austin FC, nonostante diversi suoi giocatori non abbiano giocato perché non gli era stato concesso il visto.

Il motivo è dovuto alla grave instabilità politica che negli ultimi anni affligge Haiti. Nel 2021 il presidente Jovenel Moïse è stato assassinato, e una settimana fa Medici Senza Frontiere ha dovuto chiudere il suo ospedale.

La gara d'andata è stata quindi giocata in campo neutro nella Repubblica Dominicana, e vinta a sorpresa 3-0 dal Violette (con l'Austin che aveva schierato molte riserve). Per il ritorno, però, le cose si sono complicate per la questione dei visti.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
🇨🇦 #RCAF CC-177 Globemaster III (4/5, 80% ✅)

‣ 177703 flew the 3rd shipment of armoured vehicles to #Haiti 🇭🇹
‣ 177703 flew supplies from #14WingGreenwood to Sicily 🇮🇹 for the pair of CP-140 Auroras deployed to Ex #DynamicManta.,c…
#8WingTrenton #429Sqn Image
🇨🇦 #RCAF CC-150 Polaris (4/5, 80% ✅)

‣ 15001 is in #Hawaii for 🤷‍♂️ as call sign #CFC3120, via San Diego from Trenton.
‣ 15004 is in New Orleans for 🤷‍♂️ as call sign #CFC3133 from Trenton.
‣ 15002 is still at Mirabel.,c…
#437Sqn #8WingTrenton Image
🇨🇦 #RCAF CC-144C/D Challenger (3/4, 75% ✅)

‣ The aircraft of 412 Transport Squadron are normally extremely busy, so a 3+ week break sticks out. 144618 must be working through some stuff.,c…
#412Sqn #8WingTrenton Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
My comrade Paul Farmer died a year ago. Today, @PesteMagazine is publishing a series of reflections on Paul’s life and legacy by his friends and colleagues. 1/…
Now Christopher Millien at University Hospital in Mirebalais #Haiti. 3/…
Read 10 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
🧵 A well-trained workforce is essential for reaching universal health coverage.

That is why we support training and capacity building for the whole spectrum of health professionals to achieve #HealthForAll.

#WHOImpact across the globe 🌎🌍🌏:
📌 Picture of community health workers at a training session in
In #Samoa 🇼🇸, WHO, @dfat 🇦🇺 & @MFATNZ 🇳🇿 supported the training of the Emergency Medical Team respond to the impact of cyclones. The group rehearsed setting up & operating mobile clinics.

📌 Picture of the Samoa Emergency Medical Team carrying out a t
WHO helped train 🇲🇷 #Mauritania’s new emergency-response teams to quickly locate & stop disease outbreaks before they can become epidemics.

Since August 2022, the teams have responded to 8 emergencies & stopped a Rift Valley fever outbreak.

📌 A picture of floods in Nouakchott, Mauritania, that coincide
Read 9 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
1/9 The first major #earthquakes that we correctly forecast by time-frame and location occurred in August 2021.

On 6 August we issued a warning for 10-14 August on our Telegram channel because of a convergence of 5 planetary conjunctions(!):
2/9 On 7 August we mentioned the South Sandwich Islands based on atmospheric fluctuations.
3/9 On 8 August we mentioned again the South Sandwich Islands and also South America and the Caribbean:
Read 9 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
Follow along here for @VOANews's coverage of @POTUS' State of the Union address

And follow me here for coverage of national security issues as raised in #SOTU
"The story of America is a story of progress and resilience. Of always moving forward. Of never giving up" per @POTUS

"We are the only country that has emerged from every crisis stronger than when we entered it. That's what we are doing again"
"2 years ago, our democracy faced its greatest threat since the Civil War. Today, though bruised, our democracy remains unbowed and unbroken" per @POTUS
Read 19 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
Desde el 1er @CongresoDEMDH @Ale_Pi_, directiva de @freedomhouse, alertó sobre la democracia bajo asedio y autoritarismo en expansión haciendo especial referencia al caso de #Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela y otros países en Las Américas.
@Ale_Pi_ alertó que en las elecciones en Nicaragua no respetaron los principios básicos de cualquier elección democrática
@Ale_Pi_ explica que el deterioro en Nicaragua ha sido muy rápido. "Lo que Venezuela necesitó hacer en 20 años, en Nicaragua desde 2018 y en 2021 ha sido terrible", dijo.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#Tablazo El nuevo fiscal federal del Distrito Sur de Florida (EEUU), Markenzy Lapointe, que asumió el cargo hace tres semanas, reveló (en declaración jurada) haberle prestado "servicios legales" a Alex Nain Saab Morán durante 2021, cuando fue extraditado (17OCT) desde Cabo Verde. ImageImage
La revelación la hizo el "fiscal más influyente de América Latina" al responder el formulario 278e de la Oficina de Ética del Gobierno #OGE, como parte del análisis y aprobación de la nominación que para el cargo de fiscal del Sur de Florida hizo el pdte. Biden en FEB 2021. ImageImage
La sección 4ª del Informe de Divulgación Financiera Pública requiere que el nominado reporte las fuentes de compensación que superan los $5.000 en un año. En el número 15 (de una lista de 25 clientes) está el nombre completo de Alex Saab. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
LIVE: Opening of 152nd WHO Executive Board meeting…
"Three years ago today, I declared a public health emergency of international concern over the global spread of #COVID19 – the highest level of alarm under the International Health Regulations, and for the moment, the only level of alarm"-@DrTedros #EB152
@DrTedros "As you know, on Friday the Emergency Committee met to consider whether that remains the case. The committee has advised me that in its view, #COVID19 remains a global health emergency, and I agree"-@DrTedros #EB152
Read 122 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
🇭🇹Policías y civiles están protestando en varias ciudades de Haití tras asesinatos de policías por pandillas.

Manifestantes armados, algunos vestidos de policía, atacaron la residencia del PM @DrArielHenry y el aeropuerto de Puerto Príncipe.

¿Por qué?🧵…
🚨El 25 de enero 6 agentes de una unidad especial de la policía fueron asesinados por la pandilla Gan Grif en Liancourt. Sólo en enero, las pandillas han matado ya a 14 policías.…
📢Manifestantes indignados por el silencio del PM @DrArielHenry ante la violencia y el creciente poder de las pandillas han bloqueado vías en varias ciudades.

Exigen la renuncia de Henry y mejores condiciones para enfrentar a las pandillas.…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
Thread 1/3

Last night in Ottawa, Canada's U.N. ambassador Bob Rae claimed that Canada's foreign policy is "principled".

I and two other peace activists, @TamaraLorincz & @EnglerYves, disrupted Rae's hypocritical speech.

Here is Tamara denouncing #NATO's proxy war in #Ukraine.

After Tamara denounced NATO's proxy war in Ukraine, Yves Engler condemned Canada's disgraceful voting record at the United Nations.

#cdnpoli #UnitedNations #Haiti #Palestine #nuclearweapons #NATO #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️ @EnglerYves

As I explained in my disruption of Bob Rae, the international human rights community is nearly unanimous that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, yet Canada's support for #Israel knows no bounds. This makes a mockery of Trudeau's "rules-based order."

Read 3 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
🧵The new process for #Venezuela implemented since October has massively reduced the number of Venezuelans who cross the U.S. southern border. I estimate that 59% fewer Venezuelans are crossing than otherwise.

What can we expect now this process is expanded to other countries?
Venezuelans, Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans were being allowed to claim asylum in the U.S. by the tens of thousands. In September over 80,000 came in under Title 8 and very few were expelled under Title 42 due to the presumption that they have strong asylum cases.
In October, the Biden admin. created the Venezuelan Parole Program, allowing up to 24,000 Venezuelans to enter the U.S. if they find a legal U.S. sponsor, are vetted, get vaccinated, and pay for their travel.

Then they began expelling everyone who still crossed the border.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️ 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | Hoy, además de la la información sobre el #QuiénEsQuién en los precios de los combustibles y la #CanastaBásica, se presentará el programa de la Cumbre de líderes de #AméricaDelNorte, adelantó el presidente @lopezobrador_
#ConferenciaPresidente | #QuiénEsQuién en el precio de los combustibles:

👉Gasolina Regular: $21.02 - $23.99
👉Gasolina Premium: $23.15 - $25.99
👉Diésel: $23.42 - $25.02
👉Gas LP Cilindro Precio Promedio: $19.22/kg
👉Gas LP Estacionario Precio Promedio: $10.38/L
Read 51 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023

#σημερα είναι ημέρα καταγωγής στην #haiti, #berchtoldstag σε #Switzerland και #lichtenstein, ημέρα καρναβαλιού στο #saintKittsAndNevis, #nyinlong στο #bhutan, πρώτη μέρα του καρναβαλιού του μαύρου και του άσπρου στη νότια #colombia,

ημέρα νίκης των ενόπλων δυνάμεων στην #cuba.

#σανΣημερα το 1492 ολοκληρώνεται η #reconquista με την παράδοση της #granada στους Ισπανούς.

To 1818 ιδρύεται ο βρετανικός #institutionOfCivilEngineers.

To 1843 κάνει πρεμιέρα η όπερα #theFlyinDutchman του #RichardWagner στη #dresden.

To 1905 ιδρύεται το αμερικανικό αναρχικό συνδικάτο #industrialWorkersOfTheWorld.

Read 12 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
2022 was a year of horrible bloodshed for many countries.

For 2023, we compiled a list of 10 conflicts to watch – in partnership with @ForeignPolicy.

🧵 [1/12]…
1️⃣ #Ukraine 🇺🇦

After nearly a year of fighting, there is no end in sight for the war in Ukraine.

The West should continue its balancing act of backing Kyiv while avoiding a direct clash with Russia and keeping the door open to negotiations.
2️⃣ #NagornoKarabakh 🇦🇲- 🇦🇿

Neither Russian nor Western-sponsored talks have brought the sides closer to a sustainable agreement and clashes have continued.

The failure of talks could well result in renewed war.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
Καλή χρονιά με υγεία!

Happy new year ppl!

#σημερα εκτός από Πρωτοχρονιά στα κράτη που ακολουθούν το #gregoriancalendar και την #japan είναι η δεύτερη μέρα του #hogmanay στη #scotland, τελευταία μέρα του #kwanzaa για τους Αφροαμερικανούς, ημέρα Σύνταγματος στην #italy,

ημέρα ίδρυσης της Σλοβακικής Δημοκρατίας στη #slovakia, ημέρα αποκατάστασης της ανεξαρτησίας στην #CzechRepublic, ημέρα απελευθέρωσης των σκλάβων στις #usa και μερικά κράτη της #carribean, ημέρα της σημαίας στη #lithuania, ημέρα ίδρυσης στην #taiwan,

#παγκοσμιαΗμεραΟικογενοιας, ημέρα ανεξαρτησίας σε #brunei, #cameroon, #Haiti και #sudan, #kamakuraEbisu στην Ιαπωνία και ημέρα θριάμβου της επανάστασης στην #cuba.

#σανσημερα το 45 BCE η υιοθέτηση του Ιουλιανού ημερολογίου στη #rome, προκαλεί την πρώτη Πρωτοχρονιά.

Read 14 tweets

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