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Dec 23rd 2021
1/ Neon’s Elves have released Newsletter #5 🧝‍♂️
read about it down below 👇…
2/ Gear up for the #NeonEVM mainnet launch. The link between Neon and Solana, #NeonPass is nearly ready for production
3/ Look out for a detailed description of the $NEON token utility, It’s nearly ready.

Also, we are also excited to announce that Neon will have a developer grant program to support the talented #devs who want to take advantage of #NeonEVM and deploy their dApps on @solana.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
1/5) Extra Extra read all about it!
Neon Newsletter #4 is now out!
Link below👇…
2/5) Our FAQs are now live with all the answers to your questions!
Come take a look!
3/5) We’re excited to announce that our much anticipated token transfer tool #Neonpass will be launching next week!
Read 5 tweets

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