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_🔞भगवा लव ट्रैप के मुताल्लिक़🔥_

*हुज़ूर क़ायदे मिल्लत का पैग़ाम अवाम ए अहले सुन्नत के नाम*

⚜️ बच्चियों का रुझान दीन की तरफ लाने के लिए और भगवा लव ट्रैप से बचाने के लिए हुज़ूर क़ायदे मिल्लत के बयान की गईं 13 तदबीरें जिसके ज़रिये बच्चियों को इस बड़े
फ़ितने से बचाया जा सकता है!

*🔞 इन ख़राबियों को दूर करने की चंद तदबीरें हैं जिनको बारूहे कार लाकर एक पाकीज़ा मुआशरा (समाज) तैयार किया जा सकता है।*

*💡 नम्बर::- 1.* बचपन से ही बच्चों और बच्चियों को दुनियावी तालीम के साथ दीनी तालीम ज़रूर दी जाए, जिसकी सूरत यह है
#next 👇
कि मोहल्ला और बस्ती में मौजूद मस्जिद ओ मकतब के असातिज़ा से मज़हबी तालीम ओ तरबीयत दिलवाई जाए।

*💎नम्बर::- 2.* माँ - बाप खुद भी नेक अमल करें और अपनी जिंदगी इस्लामी माहौल में गुज़ारें और बच्चों को भी इसी माहौल में परवान चढ़ाएं, क्योंकि बच्चे शऊरी और
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انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون
مدینہ منورہ سے تین سو کلو میٹر دور العلا شہر میں پتھر کی مورتی رکھ دی گئی ہے!
اور یوں حضور سید عالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان پورا ہونے کے قریب ہے

جو کہ مسلم شریف میں ہے

لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى تَضْطَرِبَ أَلَيَاتُ نِسَاءِ
#next👇🏼 Image
دَوْسٍ عَلَى ذِي الخَلَصَةِ️

قیامت اس وقت تک قائم نہیں ہوگی جب تک قبیلہ دوس کی عورتوں کے کولہے ذی الخلصہ کے گرد نہ ہلنے لگیں!
یعنی ذی الخلصہ نامی بت کا طواف نہ کرنے لگیں!

مسلم شریف کی دوسری حدیث پاک میں ہے

لا يذهب الليل والنهار حتى تعبد اللات والعزى

قیامت آنے سے
پہلے لات و عزیٰ کی پوجا کی جائے گی!
اور یہ بات واضح معلوم ہے کہ لات و عزیٰ عرب کے بت ہیں تو ان کی پوجا بھی عرب میں ہی کی جائے گی!

نجد کے بدوؤں نے مزارات صحابہ شہید کر دیئے کہ شرک کے اڈے ہیں جبکہ دوسری طرف بت بنا کر رکھے جا رہے ہیں
مندر کھولے جا رہے ہیں!
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*رَدُّ الـرَّفَـضَـةِ*
*تبرائی رافضیوں کا رد*

سیتاپور کے رہنے والے حکیم سید محمد مہدی صاحب نے سیدی اعلی حضرت علیہ الرحمہ کی بارگاہ میں ایک سیدہ خاتون کے چچا کی اولاد کے متعلق سوال کیا جو عصبہ بن کر سیدہ کی وراثت سے حصہ چاہ رہے تھے جبکہ وہ خود رافضی تبرائی تھے، اس کے جواب
#next Image
میں سیدی اعلی حضرت علیہ الرحمہ نے برجستہ تقریباً ستر عبارتیں نوے کتب کے حوالے سے بیان فرمائی ہیں، اللہ اکبر کیا قوت حافظہ ہے، ان عبارتوں کا مجموعہ اس بات پر دال ہے کہ اعلی حضرت کو علم فقہ میں بے مثال مہارت وعبقریت حاصل تھی، اور یہ ایسی مہارت تھی جس کو دیکھ کر چشم فلک بھی دیدہ
حیراں بن جائے، اور یہ اس بات کی طرف بھی اشارہ ہے کہ جب  آپ نے برجستگی کے اندر ایک ہی جواب میں ستر عبارتوں کا مجموعہ تقریباً نوے کتب کے حوالے سے بآسانی پیش کردیا تو آپ کے فتاوی میں کتنے ان گنت جزئیات مکتوب ہوں گے، اور عقل انسان اس بات پر حیران ہے کہ صرف کتاب کا حوالہ
Read 15 tweets
@__HEJB__ @KnewIt046 I had no correlation whatsoever huh? Then why was my evidence presented in order to get a warrant for his arrest?
You're a phukin idiot
I can sit here all day & argue semantics but, I'd be trying to explain easy things to someone with 1 brain cell that can't comprehend simplicity
@__HEJB__ @KnewIt046 #Next idiot please....
This one 👆 is phukin ✔️ Image
Read 3 tweets
6 days of Komorebi’s hacker house @komorebihack has ended! Such wonderful housemates! Thank you for joining. I miss you all!

@jb0x_ @0xaprilsaccount @Kooshaba @GVN9008 @norswap @5p0rt5BEArD @jameswhitwell @stokasz @grzyslaw @danilowhk2 @pat_zip @richwarner @0xNonCents

Recap👇 ImageImage
@komorebihack @jb0x_ @0xaprilsaccount @Kooshaba @norswap @5p0rt5BEArD @jameswhitwell @stokasz @grzyslaw @danilowhk2 @pat_zip @richwarner @0xNonCents #1

Lightning talks by house members (private event) Image
Read 16 tweets
La foto, la elegida por Sánchez para publicar en su cuenta, nos muestra al presidente español siendo centro/protagonista de la élite política en un momento sumamente delicado: ataque a Polonia. Intención: España tiene poder #bodylanguage #escenografia Image
Sin embargo, pese altura presidente que sobresale por encima Biden y Sunak (sentados) y también de Macron y Scholz (de pie), Sánchez queda por detrás de Alemania y Francia (2a fila). No han abierto círculo conversación para incluirlo, seguramente al llegar se ha puesto ahí Image
Habla Sunak (todos le miran). Biden tapa boca (desacuerdo o desagrado con lo que se narra o propone). La cara de Sánchez es de preocupación; Scholz con los brazos cruzados y mirada reojo (desacuerdo, desconfianza). Macron está en movimiento (acaba de intervenir o lo va hacer) Image
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#Near "Lunova Insurance", you are able to find your #company's "NEXT Insurance Online Quotes in MA FL CT RI NC MD IN" #ForYourSmallBusiness at's website for commercial and small business insurance:…

#NEXT #Insurance #Online #Quotes
#LunovaInsurance agents near you can help you find the best price & rates today. Get our "Cheap Business Auto Insurance Quotes in MA CT RI NC IN NC FL"…
#LunovaInsurance #Cheap #Business #Auto #Insurance #Quotes #CheapBusinessAutoInsuranceQuotes #MACTRIFL
"#Findourlocal Marlborough Mass 01752 #LunovaInsurance & "#MARoute 495, 290, 85, 20, & 9", Lunova Insurance #AGENCY, for your "Liability Business Auto & Home Insurance" with our #localMAinsuranceagency on #Twitter @LunovaInsurance…"
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Wow—checking my basement inventory and I have a brand new Apple Extended Keyboard II (ADB) from ~1990
This guy must be some sort of hoarder!
I never noticed these manuals before. 😳 sorry for the basement lighting. #NeXT #NeXTCube
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Los 4 mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican la asociación entre la baja masa muscular y la función cognitiva #hilo 🧵🧵🧵👇

1⃣Inflamación sistémica
2⃣Resistencia a la Insulina
3⃣Metabolismo de las proteínas
4⃣Función mitocondrial
#Ejercicio #Sarcopenia…
1⃣Inflamación sistémica🎈
La contracción del músculo secreta citoquinas y péptidos, llamados "mioquinas". Las mioquinas pueden ser tanto proinflamatorias como antiinflamatorias. #Next🧐👇…
Por otro lado, las fibras musculares se clasifican en fibras d contracción lenta tipo I y contracción rápida tipo II. En las fibras de tipo II predomina una alta capacidad glucolítica, mientras q las fibras d tipo I comprenden un mayor contenido mitocondrial y capacidad oxidativa
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1/13. Poursuivons la généalogie prouvant que le RED et l'alvarium sont bien une seule et même milice fasciste !

En effet, ces jours le RED sert de prête-nom aux activités de l'alvarium qui a posé un recours au conseil d'état pour contester sa dissolution.

2. Cette fois pour comprendre à qui nous avons affaire identifions une partie des fascistes venu.e.s célébrer le 6 février. Ces images sont disponibles grâce au grand narcissisme des interessé.e.s.

Voici une sélection très partielles de profils afin d'étayer la démonstration.⬇️ ImageImage
3. Au #cosplay du pire des années 30, #JeanEudesGannat est un as. Le fondateur-chef du RED et de l'alvarium, a gardé la main sur le 📢 et la cérémonie mais les casseroles s'accumulent : multiples plaintes, #Comunotec et peut-être désormais "reconstitution de ligue dissoute" ?
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1. Each sector of Solana has been filled up with money lately. And you guys want to have an overview of the next destination of money in Solana. Let’s check this thread.

#Solanaszn #money #next Image

2. In theory, the money flow would be described: $ -> Layer 1 -> DEX -> L&B -> Yield Farming/ Staking -> Infrastructure -> Oracle -> Other trend -> $

#Solanaszn #money #next

3. However, the practical is not the same as the theory.
After filling out our layer 1 - $SOL, the money flow continued to find a new destination.

#Solanaszn #money #next Image
Read 14 tweets
Got a few new gigs coming up.
#freelance #developer #fullstack #node #react #next #jamstack #webflow #remote

A thread.
Webflow developer - More here >>>
Sr Full-stack Node, React + Next Dev [Open application] More info here >>>
Read 7 tweets
I happened upon this video, posted by my friend #KeithOhlfs, who died from a heart attack in 2016. Keith was an amazing UX designer who defined much of #NeXT's look and feel, and probably touches you today. (spinning rainbow cursor) We miss him.…
When I clicked on the article talking about #KeithOhlfs, I saw that he had posted the original demo for #NeXT Computer, back in 1988. Take a minute to watch. Those of us who got to live through this time in history are blessed. We have watched amazing things happen. #Mac
The video is obviously created when people had a longer attention span. Pay attention to what computing looked like. It *really did* look like that. And it was earth-shaking that you could cut and paste words! RIP #KeithOhlfs #NeXT…
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How I'm using @RoamResearch.
An ongoing thread.
/// >> @ ~
I started out by watching some tutorials on how others use Roam:
How to create an Asana-style 'My Tasks' view in Roam Research () by @RosieCampbell
Writing Inbox System in Roam Research () by @ShuOmi3
Introduction to Personal Knowledge Management in Roam () by Anonym.s

(many more)
Read 21 tweets
Allez c'est parti #CoViDEnNormandie

Avec possiblement des pauses ;)
Réunion co-organisée par le Département de Médecine Générale et le Service de Maladies Infectieuse du CHU, comme celle de mars.
Une vingtaine de médecins en présentiel (communication tardive ?), bien plus en distanciel (retransmission en direct.
Accueil par le Pr Hermil (DMG) qui salue la mobilisation des soignant.e.s depuis le début de la crise, et notamment celle des internes.
Il souligne aussi la bonne diffusion de l'information, la web-conférence du 12 mars ayant été vue 8500 fois !
Read 41 tweets
I hear Birds. And it’s 7:18 am on [ 🦊 ] I’m not Q << no Comms > outside LOL 😂 yaw BUTT HURT over [ AS ] << so What. #IAMQ TOO. WE FAM STILL. NO DIVISION JUST BIENG HONEST. ARE WE NOT ALL A LITTLE Q.uestionable ! Lol. #WhenDoBirdsSing
Does 7:18 am = Qdrop 781. Going through the military q op. program. I was like am I under something or can I justbfake news. I mean you do see all the crumbs holding into 🍞 being dished out back 2the mass 2bconsumed the way it is. We know some1 was singing like a canary
When I was watching the news and I heard the birds chirp I looked at the clock and I was like my eyes are wide open. 🦅 song >>?? Who knows. But the dominoes are falling in the map is lining up. 🚢 🚢 🚢 Titanic events are occurring
Read 93 tweets
Bon qd on va sur le site "Ma classe à la maison" du @cned on a d'entrée un n'est pas à jour conformément au #RGPD (en application depuis le 25 mai 2018) !
La déclaration à la @CNIL c'est obsolète et il n'y a que la référence à la loi "informatique et liberté de 1978"
@cned @CNIL Les informations légales ne sont pas davantage dans les clous... ce qui est gênant pour un site recueillant et traitant des données personnelles d'élèves mineurs !
Aucune mention du #RGPD
cc @CNIL…
@cned @CNIL Bon, j'ai trouvé un peu par hasard l'accès à "Ma classe à la maison" école, c'est ici :
On peut se créer un compte enseignant avec notre mail pro et voir le contenu... je suis en train de regarder pour les GS, on est sur du pdf type "cahier d'activités"
Read 26 tweets
@Medical_Mitra Initially government proposed only #NEET_PG cum #NEXT. Associations insisted to convert final MBBS into #NEXT. So that too was included in #NEXT. So, no separate final MBBS exam once #NEXT is implemented. It will now act as FINAL MBBS cum #NEXT cum #NEET_PG. But its not good../2
@Medical_Mitra Had FINAL MBBS been separate, as originally proposed, u would have got ur degree without clearing #NEXT. U could then atleast ask for temporary licence till u clear #NEXT (It was proposed by @drharshvardhan sir himself)
Now u dont get degree, so no question of temp. license.../3
@Medical_Mitra @drharshvardhan But there is still some hope lies in proposal of CHP.
Associations can still convince government to give them atleast CHP license till they pass #NEXT exam, as rules for #CHP r yet to b framed.
They will atleast b able to earn their bread & butter till they clear #NEXT. Thanks.
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WE THE ]#PEOPLE[ Have to Pick Up Where Our #Founders Left Off. Protect The #Nation Protect the #Family, [Protect the #Children] living in our Great #UnitedStates of #AMERICA..


This is for the like #minds, and everyday #thinkers who do right and care for the future of our nation. IF you just found out #WELCOME!! #America Needs you!, We need you!

We #communicate, post, #network and RESEARCH #RESEARCH @WhiteHouse
RESEARCH, #INFORM REPEAT...(and #joke poke & prodd #ideas/people minus the hate of course(sometimes) (we get it)). get the #word out!! If 💩 hits the fan! Just know WE r HERE& #TRUST we R #UNITED! Please #Guide and #Teach like mind who will add @NSAGov
Read 41 tweets
Mensen maak je niet zo druk. De @VVD plant verkiezingscampagnes gewoon goed. Ze schreeuwen zich nu door de PS heen en worden gewoon weer de grootste. Pas dan komt klimaatbeleid aan snee in parlement. Gaat er gewoon komen. Zonder #GL kan #Rutte3 niet regeren. #next /1
Wiegel creëerde ook altijd pseudo-crisisjes in het weekend. /2
En VVD-ers die beleid uitvoeren (dus niet die TK-types) voeren gewoon klimaatbeleid in de provincies en gemeenten. /3
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Born & raised in #Fanar #Lebanon, a tiny country in the middle east with a lot to offer. I always had a positive outlook on life maybe because of the culture or values🤷‍♀️.
If you don't know #Lebanon or a #lebanese then you should start mingling 🤣
@IWS_Network #VoicesIWS
I grew up surrounded by a loving, joking & tough type of family that always support each other even amidst fighting. You can imaging being 4 kids in different age groups can cause a lot of fights growing up 😂 #siblingsfight #family #VoicesIWS
I have my issues🤷‍♀️! I always wanted to prove myself & make my family proud(2nd child). A pressure that was just in my head; they were always proud of us. I wanted to grow up to be a doctor or an army officer like my dad. Let's just say I changed my mind! #VoicesIWS @IWS_Network
Read 27 tweets
#next, I need your #help, and I mean all of you #please, regardless of party-politics, ideological differences, geo-location, can I have your <3 engaged to help a family, friends, a local community & a student community in their #search for a #MissingPerson #missing since Nov.2nd
2/" #StephenCullinan (25), the son of North #Tipperary #IFA Chair, Tim #Cullinan, hasn’t been seen since November 2 when he left his home in Castletroy, County #Limerick and made his way to #Dublin. "…
3/"His worried relatives believe he may have made his way to another major Irish city, even as far as #Belfast. The vulnerable young man is without his medication." " He could be in #Galway. We’re grasping at straws."
Read 9 tweets

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