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Jan 4th 2023
This gives a short bio on the 20 who bucked McCarthy. Rep Chip Roy TX21, mouthiest camera and Rep Michael Cloud TX27, says immigrants Force crop quarantine.

What are your predictions for the 4th vote?

#DemCast #RepublicansInDisarray…?
This was Rep Cloud making conspiracy claims about quarantining crops during an event in Rock Port 2022. His followers sucked it down and added. TX27, TX15, TX21 have MAGA, QAnon elected in the House.

#DemCastTX #RepublicansInDisarray
My incoming “rules for thee, not for me” congresswoman elect.

She has quiet the background took PPP loans twice & got those forgiven; fiscal responsible 🤥.

Claimed counties officials who counted her the win in ‘22 cheated for Gonzales in ‘20.

#RepublicansInDisarray #Tx15
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