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Apr 29th 2022
1/ I have finally got to updating my #DigitalAntiquities timeline to include some more recent re-discoveries.
Added 2 additional chains & cool history-making projects/assets such as: @Punycodes2011 @StephanVogler1 #JollyRoger #Umbrella @MTMSeries @EmercoinNFTs #OasisMining etc
2/ It'll take me a bit longer to complete the update of my medium article that goes with it.
Keep in mind the focus period remains just 2011-2017.
I do love some other projects that come after this, but as per the chart, there are considerably more so harder to document.
3/ Pls let me know if I've missed any projects so I can include in next update (I won't take as long next time!), or any if there are any inaccuracies.

The purpose is the same - to leave an accurate narrative re the early NFT emergence history for posterity.
I hope it's helpful.
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